Sunday 4 October 2015

Week One

This week has been my first week of timetabled lectures and lab sessions, this really making me look forward to some of the topics I'll be learning about this year.
Firstly the business unit I am taking aims to provide the skills and knowledge needed to run a business in the music technology industry also providing transferable skills for employability. This should be good fun as it will give me time to start looking for work after I graduate.
Mobile programming is another unit I'm looking forward to. Mobile application development is something I've wanted to do for a while and have never had any formal training in it. Previously I have tried to build simple apps for android and android wear but they have only been simple tests. This unit should give me knowledge of developing in Java, HTML 5 and CSS, this can be applied to mobile web and desktop audio applications. We will also cover GUI design, something that has only been touched on in previous years.
The strangest unit will be creative audio technology, in this we will explore different ways of using the skills we have learnt through the course so far. I'm looking forward to this a lot as I have always loved building strange prices of hardware. Our first assignment is to create a unique instrument, this will involve building the hardwear, most likely to be based around an Arduino, and some form of digital sound creating and signal processing. I really hope I enjoy this unit as much as I think I will.
This week I have also started work on my final project. Doing lots of research in to existing products and and looking at the bandwidth of the human mind. I'm looking forward to really get the project moving in the next few weeks after I have completed my research and proposal.
Now it's time for me to watch some rugby and this weeks Google press conference as I missed it earlier in the week.